However, I do have a God in heaven who has already given me my inheritance. It is a joint inheritance, not left over inheritance.
The Spirit Himself [thus] testifies together with our own spirit, [assuring us] that we are children of God. And if we are [His] children, then we are [His] heirs also: heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ [sharing His inheritance with Him]; only we must share His suffering if we are to share His glory.
Romans 8:16-17 AMPC
The Greek phrase "joint inheritance" comes from sugklernomos which broken down is sug - together; kleronomos - inheritance. So, we share the same inheritance that Jesus has.
This inheritance includes love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, meekness, goodness, faith, temperance. This gave Him the ability to overcome the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.
Since He we able to overcome, we too are able to overcome. We have the same power as He had here on Earth. He walked in the Spirit, so we too can walk in the Spirit. We can. God never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
The problem is that we do not realize that we can have the same Spirit of God that Jesus had here on Earth.
This was the same issue in Joshua's day. According to Max Lucado in his book Glory Days (2015) we sometimes get stuck in wilderness mentality, instead of inheritance mentality:
Wilderness mentality says, "I am weak, and I will always be wyou eak."
Canaan people say, "I am weak, but I a getting stronger."
Wilderness people say, "I am a victim of my environment."
Promised Land people say, "I'm a victory in spite of my surroundings."
Wilderness people say, "These are difficult days. I'll never get through them."
God's people say, "These days are glory days. God will me through."
So, are you willing to claim your inheritance today?
Thank you Lord for you blessings on my life. Thank you Lord for your promises that you have given to me. Help me today to stand on your promises come what may. The promise that you said you would never leave me nor forsake me. You have never in the past, so I do not believe you will going forward.
Thomas Nelson.
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