Monday, October 15, 2018

Spring Season

There are times in our lives when we wonder why am I going through this right now?  Throughout scripture you will find statements and principles concerning seasons.  For the next few blogs, I want to talk about seasons.

I got these thoughts this morning while listening to a young man who was truly used of God to speak to us.  His name is Corey Williamson who is an anointed young man.

I want to start by talking about Spring season.  In the spring time the ground begins to thaw, life begins to awake and sowing begins to happen.

I grew up in a part of Canada where potatoes were the agriculture of that area.  In the spring of the year the fields would be filled with machines that would dig up the land.

The digging is not easy.  It is a tearing that takes place so that seeds can be planted.

Too often we do not like the process of digging.  It is painful, but that is when the seeds are sown.  Out of this cultivating brings a harvest.

So, the next time you feel like you are being torn apart by things that seem so hard to deal with, remember that a seed is being planted and hang on, your harvest season is coming.

Thank you Lord for the tough times that we have to face sometimes because we know that in the tough times, you are planting a seed in us.  Help me today to remember this.  Help me to know that sometimes the fallow grounds of my heart must be cultivated so that you can plant a seed.

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